He Slimed Me – PASMA Training (Not Plasma)

We’re huge Ghostbusters fans (original version, not the crappy re-make) so when we were asked to try and promote a PASMA training in Liverpool course we were intrigued. We first thought that Beech training might have been another way to train wannabe ghost hunters but alas we were wrong. Beech are a company offering industry training services such as fire safety training and other health and safety at work related courses.

Our campaign and remit is to increase the overall visibility of the courses and brand and as per our other strategies this ideally would be based around content marketing.

Content marketing usually works great when you have an industry open to it, usually in the B2C areas of business but when B2B is involved it does seem at times that content is not as easy to create that will earn backlinks simply because most webmasters of business blogs tend to write about their latest company events and awards they attended rather than link to other blog posts unless they have an SEO person involved.

So our tactic in this instance (although could be argued against) is clear. We will ensure that all technical elements of the website are taken care of and then focus upon the pages and their overall optimisation. We then need to find places that would be willing to give the website a backlink and as you may well know this isn’t easy without a good reason. So we’re restricted to things like business directories, niche directories, web 2.0’s (branded), guest posts and if possibly a link from companies that deal with Beech and don’t mind providing a link.

So far so good, we’ve been at for about 5 weeks and here’s a snapshot of rankings comparing Jan 1st to Feb 10th (2020), we’ve omitted the ranking URL on purpose:

PASMA and other industry services rankings

As you can see it’s early days and not a bad but not great start, we do however plan to turn this around within the next 2 to 3 months and we’ll keep you informed.

Coming soon….how we generated 5,500 extra visitors a month for a new client within just 5 weeks!

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